Follow @FIFAscouting In the first part of the section on strikers, here is the article on goalscorers. The emphasis here is on finishing ability, both in the box and at range, as well as good positioning. The second part, on target men, will follow. As usual, in an attempt to make this relevant to as many players as possible, I …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Left Midfielder (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting Apologies for the slow pace of updated articles, a few days ago I injured my foot playing football (I thought it may have been fractured, luckily it wasn’t), so I’ve been a bit preoccupied. Anyway, now we move on to left midfielders. As usual, in an attempt to make this relevant to as many players as possible, I …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Right Midfielder (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting On to wide players, and first up are right midfielders. Both RMs and more forward-playing RWs have been included. As usual, in an attempt to make this relevant to as many players as possible, I have not included any right midfielders whose OVR is above 73 – this way you can keep your costs down and have some …
FIFA 12 | So You Want An… Attacking Midfielder (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting In the final central midfielders article, here is the data for attacking midfielders. Once again there are some familiar faces, whilst players like Omar El Kaddouri and Oleg Shatov have received major boosts. Unlike in previous tables, almost all players in the top few potential rungs are very expensive, so each player’s individual playing style and strengths are …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Central Midfielder (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting On to the central midfielders now. There are some familiar faces up at the top – Josh McEachran and Afriyie Acquah maintaining their places at the top of the list – but there are also a lot of changes. Many players have had very decent potential boosts, such as Sergi Roberto, Jordan Mutch and especially Lorenzo Crisetig. Here …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Defensive Midfielder (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting Moving on to the midfielders, here is the updated data for defensive midfielders. As usual, listed below are some of the most promising young defensive midfielders in the game. In an attempt to make this relevant to as many players as possible, I have not included any CDMs whose OVR is above 73 – this way you can …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Left Back (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting In the final article on defensive players, here is the data for left backs. As before, listed below are some of the most promising young left backs in the game. In an attempt to make this relevant to as many players as possible, I have not included any LBs whose OVR is above 73 – this way you …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Right Back (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting Up next, right backs. Listed below are some of the most promising young right backs in the game. This time round I had to up the OVR threshold to 75 – with it set to 73 there are only about 8 RBs with potential over 80 (and OVR 73 or lower, obviously). Furthermore, I have listed the players …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Centre Back (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting Next up on the updated lists are the centre backs. As before, listed below are some of the most promising young centre backs in the game. In an attempt to make this relevant to as many players as possible, I have not included any CBs whose OVR is above 73 – this way you can keep your costs …
FIFA 12 | So You Want A… Goalkeeper (Winter Update)
Follow @FIFAscouting As it does around this time every year, EA has released a transfer update for FIFA 12. This patch updates the squads to include all the winter transfers, but also updates players’ OVR and potential in line with their performances so far this season. That of course means all the tables on this site need to be updated …